The Social Media Optimizer Tool helps analyze your markup code for Facebook's Open Graph protocol, Google+ Authorship, LinkedIn, and Twitter's Summary card data.
The results represent a rough approximation of what your site will look when shared via Social Media buttons.
It’s pretty simple to use, just enter your blog or website URL and SMO will identify some of the more important markup tags the big Social Networks are looking for, and let you know how you score on them.
It also try to give you a rough approximation of what content users will see when they share your page on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, and probably a whole bunch of other networks.
So what is SMO and how can it benefit you? For example, if someone likes or shares your page right now, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and others will try and pull a title, image and description on their own. In most cases that’s fine. But if you want to completely control what people see when they share your page, you will want to optimize these tags.
Try the Social Media Optimizer today!
SEO Tool: Social Media Optimizer
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